Monday 5 October 2009

will Carlsen be no.1?

what do you think if he really accomplished the mission with Kasparov?

photos from neighbours’ garden!!

Sunday 4 October 2009

Esh Ghraab

Digital StillCamera

2009 September Esh Ghraab at noon

Saturday 3 October 2009

who has the right to live?

every human?

every breathing body?

every living object?

who has the right to end the life of somebody?

every human?

a God? who else?


Where Dec 25 Christmas date came from?

In A.D. 274, Emperor Aurelian decreed December 25—the solstice on the Julian calendar—as natalis solis invicti ("birth of the invincible sun"), a festival honoring the sun god Mithras. In designating December 25 as the date for their Nativity feast Rome's Christians challenged paganism directly. They also were able to invoke rich biblical symbolism that described Jesus as the "Sun of Righteousness" and God's "true light," sent to dispel darkness in the world.

Chess + Music

does anybody can explain, understand, or oppose the relation between chess and music?