Tuesday 23 August 2011

Reading is an essential step to raise children

Though all the very good steps taken by local institutions and Arabian Language Union, and the project called "kitab fi jarida-kitabfijarida.com". We are far under developed in teaching and training our children to read book, article, essays, etc..

BBC reporter mentioned that only 50% of children read a novel per month because they prefer reading emails and short messages-http://bbc.in/o66lzb.

Unfortunately wherever we look we find that Arabian brains are closed-not liberated, and we keep being underdeveloped mentally, socially, economically, and politically.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Located in the Wrong Place

Everyone wishes a better life and we always used to say: "wish I was born in i.e. France, etc.."

Are we up to cope with the idea that we may wish we're born in Gliese C or D? or the unknown unlimited places in the universe?

Yeah, right we just pick place we already know about.

I want to tell you something and let me know if you agree; the place we're born or brought is always beautiful and satisfactory. I say this because if you live in oasis you wish to go to seashore or mountain vs prairies.

So, what's wrong of our wishes? It's People we live among. This can be changed and we can Really find "better" society.

Let me know what do you think.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Liberation of humanity

It seems obvious that Mind could be halted by many factors in humans. Before even digging in this subject, try to ask your self how many books, researches, news, do you read every day?

What do you know about space? matter? biology?
are we humans the most intelligent creature in the universe? on earth?

Please read my previous post: http://bit.ly/pRtxRs

until later..