Monday 12 November 2012

Occupation Recognition

Israeli occupation to historical Palestine has been in place for the last 64 years. Israel altered the land, demolished whole towns, and Jews settled wherever they found a strategic location. Historical and archaeological sites has been altered to fit with the Jewish agenda-the holy god's promised land in accordance with the holy bible.

Developed countries recognised Israel the state within 1948 land by UN resolution 181, they helped building the Jewish state and supplied ammo to invade the rest of Palestine which was occupied in 1967. Reasons for Western countries support are explained by economic and political occupation which was accomplished by planting the Jewish state among Arab countries on a strategic location on Earth. But they were emotional and provided land for the Palestinians through UN General Assembly resolution: 181, and UN Security Council resolution 242. (to see full resolutions list about historical Palestine concerning land, refugees, treaties, see

Furthermore, natural resources of the land, sea, and air (if any) within the historical Palestine borders must be shared among residents of Palestine.
I here request the Israeli state to share the newly discovered wealth of natural gas off the shores of historical Palestine that worth $240 billions, and can supply the Palestinians and the Israelis for the coming 150 years.

The state of Israel must be sued at the International Court of Justice for abolishing the Palestinian rights of owning full or part of Palestine natural resources.

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